Pre-Orders are now available for the special edition spooky Simon Lizottle Halloween Hex, the Sarah Hokem Glow R2 Crave, the James Conrad Glow R2 Nomad and MVP Watts. Rare Discs has pre-orders open for all of these limited edition discs to Canadian, US and International buyers. Like usual, exact stamp selection will be available after the discs arrive – collect all four Lizottle Hex stamps by securing your order today.
- Total Eclipse Hex – Simon Lizotte Spooky Lizottl Hexoltl Halloween 2023
- Total Eclipse Proxy Special Edition
- Axiom Crave – R2 Glow Neutron Special Edition (Sarah Hokem)
- MVP Nomad – R2 Glow Neutron Special Edition (James Conrad)
- MVP Watt – Blank/Unstamped

What else is coming soon to Rare Discs?
- Kastaplast Vass K1
- Kastaplast white/blank bottom stamps for dyeing (Do It Yourself)
- Discraft Buzzz 2023 Glow Halloween Edition
- Westside Orbit Discs
- Discmania Skywalker
- More TSA Nerve Muses