Axiom Watermelon Shuttle Backpack!
Hey everyone! Some great news from MVP today: they are releasing their famous watermelon coloured backpack in a more compact and lighter weight form, and we’ve got it for pre-order at Rare Discs in Canada! If the Voyager is too heavy for you, this is the perfect middle ground, with bright vibrant watermelon colours in a lighter weight.
This back should hold over 18 discs and has a couple extra side pockets for holding little knicknacks (UV torch for glow rounds!). During the ordering period, if we sell out of pre-orders we will add more to our shipment.
These bags will arrive in March.
If you want to pre-order the shuttle backpack, click here.
If you can’t wait and want a watermelon backpack that’s already in stock we still have a handful of the Voyager backs in stock here.
Now in Stock – MVP
Now in Stock – EV7 + Thought Space Athletics
Now in Stock – Thought Space Muse
MVP February Release
Everything seems to be on track for our MVP pre-orders, including the glow envy and the Mostly Mystery pack. We have only two mystery packs left on order. These sold out fast for general retail last time so do secure your stock now before they’re gone! Feel free to order the Axiom Glow Envy Eclipse 2.0 if you don’t want to fight a rush and guarantee you will receive the first stock when they come in.