Thought Space has just released their latest Aura Animus and Rare Discs has stock! This is a stable control driver that should have a long straight flight before a reliable fade. It’s great for headwind shots, or for power players who risk turning over slower discs. For those who want to step up their game and throw far and have the arm to do it, the Animus is an excellent choice.
This latest stamp we are affectionately calling “Fishjaws”, and helps support Matt Bell on his tour.
Check out the Aura Animus at Rare Discs now! 11/5/0/2
Infinite Discs Halo Conqueror
If you’re after the Infinite Discs Conqueror in Canada, you’re in luck. Now, when we said the Thought Space Animus was stable, we really meant to say that the Infinite Conqueror is stable. This is the kind of disc that you’d throw in the worst headwind, or if you’re pushing 500 feet and constantly turning over other drivers. This disc is a chunk of beef even for professional level players. The Conqueror has flight numbers 12/4/0/4 and is not for the faint at heart.
Check out the Infinite Conqueror at Rare Discs when it goes live at 9PM PST on November 1st.
What Other Discs Just Went Live?
Discmania Horizon MD1
This is a straight flying midrange of the same mold as the Simon Lizotte Mind Bender. It’s got a flight rating of 5/5/0/0 and promises virtually no turn and fade when thrown flat in calm conditions. The Horizon MD1 does have slightly more torque resistance than the Mind Bender, making for a fast favourite. Plus I think it looks neat!
Lone Star Disc Horny Toad
This 4/3/0/3 disc in softer premium plastic is Not a Zone! But it sure does feel great. It’ll be a super reliable approach disc and an absolute staple in any Lone Star player’s bag. When amazing accuracy is needed, reach for the Horny Toad today. And yes, we definitely know that Lone Star knew exactly what it was doing when it named this disc.
Latitude 64 Diamond Ice Orbit
Finally, some beautiful discs in a lightweight plastic that is accessible for players of all skill level. The Latitude 64 Diamond is one of the flippiest drivers on the market, making it easy to throw. Players will find it a great tool to learn Hyzer Flip shots, or even rollers. While you’re at it, check out the Ice Orbit Harp as well. It’s kind of the opposite disc in terms of stability and speed, but it’s also super pretty.
West Side Discs Orbit Ahti – Matty Orum Signature Series
MATTY-O is the man. And this is his Ahti. And it is very pretty. And we only got 5 of them. And they’re going to be gone very quickly.
Discraft Cicada
We’ve restocked First Run Discraft Cicadas after they sold out almost immediately. Grab your Cicada today before they’re gone again. This is a straight flying fairway driver that has great glide and goes scary far even with a gentle toss.
Everything Else:
- Discraft Space Raptor
- Discraft Z Glo Zone – Eric Oakley
- Yikun Twin Swords – Watermelon Edition
- Latitude 64 Pure – Opto-X Kristen Tattar
- Doomsday Discs Plague – Radioactive Waste Glow
- Doomsday Discs Blackout – Radioactive Waste Glow
- Lonestar Curl in various plastics
- Lone Star Guadalupe in various plastics
- Lone Star Penny Putter – Glow
- Infintie Dynasty – i-Blend
- Infinite Czar – i-Blend
- Infinite Inca – Glow C-Blend MF
- Infinite Anubis – i-Blend
- Infinite Sphinx – i-Blend
- Infinite Maya – Halo S-Blend
- Dynamic Discs Justice – Ice Orbit
- Innova Nexus Glow Aviar
- Thought Space Coalesce – Ethos
- Axiom Paradox – Watermelon
- MVP Cell Bag